— Commit Guru —

I created my first site with a node.js backend framework called sails.js and a frontend in Angular.js


I worked with RIT (now Concordia) professor Emad Shihab along with Christoffer Rosen, a 5th-year student at the time, to create a commit analyzing service designed to find patterns of bug-introducing commits in repositories and then make predictions for new commits.

The frontend is my favorite AngularJS/Bootstrap stack, but the backend is actually a NodeJS server running Sails.js, which is an awesome framework I came across and fell in love with.

We also have a python daemon running, which I started work on, but Christoffer really brought it to fruition. It’s purpose was to do the actual ingestion and statistical analysis of the repositories with R.


  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap
  • Sails.js on NodeJS
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • R


  • Account creation and tracking
  • Feedback on commit ranking
  • Analysis of various commit metrics and suggestions of bug-inducing commits
  • Historical commit search and repository overview

Project Details

Date: May 16, 2014

Client: RIT Independent Study

Website: http://commit.guru

Other Projects


Senior Software Engineer at Google

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