— CSH ScheduleMaker —


CSH ScheduleMaker has had a long history. The project was initially created by jQuery founder John Resig, and then updated in 2011 by Benjamin Russell. I decided that it’s style was in need of an update along with the need to work on mobile phones. I choose to first give it a fresh coat of paint with a heavily-modified version of Bootstrap, which soon evolved into a complete front-end rewrite of all of the logic into AngularJS. This tool is now used by thousands of RIT students and it help makes their lives easier


  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap
  • PHP
  • MySQL


  • Completely new and fresh redesign
  • Generate the most optimal schedules for RIT classes
  • Schedules render as SVGs or images, both of which can be printed and customized
  • Better sharing tools and image previewing on Facebook
  • Full mobile support

Project Details

Date: Apr 19, 2014

Client: Computer Science House

Website: http://schedule.csh.rit.edu

Other Projects


Senior Software Engineer at Google

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